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Zero day in Pinedale

Day 92

Date: 01.08.2022

CDT Mile: Mile 1'817.7

Miles hiked: 0 miles / 0 km

Camping at: Motel Jackalope Motor Lodge

I slept in till 9am this morning, feeling muuuch better! Today was a lazy day, where I tried to not walk as much as possible, eat good food at the chinese restaurant and do resupply. Highlight was meeting up with Cheetah, her husband Aron and Mouse, with whom I hiked sections on the PCT in 2018! They started the CDT 4 days before me, and I passed them in Steamboat Springs, without seeing them however. As we would love to hike together, we agreed that I will meet up with them at the Green River Campground. Also they took the earlier sidetrail into Pinedale and therefore I am about 1.5 days ahead.

I also took care of my blisters and realized that I have a blister under the blister. That's why it was so painful! But my hopes are up that it will heel fast and well!

Tomorrow I will hitch back to the green river campground, stay there for a night and meet up the next day in the afternoon with Cheetah and Mouse's group to hike into Dubios together.


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