Day 97
Date: 06.08.2022
CDT Mile: Mile 1'888.2
Miles hiked: 0 miles / 0 km
Camping at: Motel in Dubois
It is wonderful waking up in a hotel room, especially if it is rainy and cold outside. It was a good decision coming here yesterday and staying here today too. It is rainy most of the day, but what er should change to better as of tomorrow again. We do laundry, resupply, organize the Permits for yellowstone NP (thanks Mouse and Cheetah!) and have a great time with Cheetahs friends. I do meet Hadash and Sheron at the laundromat and Jules at the supermarket. Dubois is a small town and full of hikers for its size🙂 Mouse and me got a ride back from the laundromat to our Hotel and they also offered us to stay at one of theirs RV for free tonight! Mouse can't believe it as they have never been offered anything like this on trail and as soon as she is together with me we get a free ride AND a free stay. 😆 She will stick to me is what she said🤣
While eating dinner also Smoothie popped up, whom I've xlast seen in Steamboat Springs. He is gonna hike with us.
And we went to get a huuuuge portion of iceream with whipped cream, chocolate sauce and chocolate chips. All in all it was a very nice and relaxing town day!
Hiker insights:
Mouse asked: 'What kind of restaurants do they have in town?'.
Captain responses: 'I guess both kinds!'. That means Pizza and Burger's! That's what we eat all the times on trail in towns, as selection is rather limited.