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Hello Lordsburg!


I arrived in Lordsburg on Friday shortly after Lunch, right next to Mc Donald's (welcome to the States)😆 The first thru hiker I see is sitting outside of the Bus station, his gear all set. Saying Hi he tells me that he had to quit the trail after two days because of the brutal heat in the Desert and his feet, who can't take it anymore. He was hiking 25 miles day in his first two days, what I consider as faaaar too many. My plan is to stick to short mileage hiking days for the first 2 weeks of about 12 to max 20 miles a day, to adjust your body and feet. Hence, this means more food carry and a heavier backpack. He is resting now for a week and then will try again.

5 Meters further down, right in front of Mcdonald's there are 3 more 'shabby' hikers sitting outside in the pavement. Looks like they just arrived. Sitting down an chatting to them for a while I hear the same story. Brutal heat and one of them had to quit trail after 2 days for a break in Hachita, but returned back to trail after a day break.

I make my way to my Hotel and see other hikers strolling around. Even so I am here completely on my self, you connect with other hikers in one second and it feels like my friends are here too. We don't know each other yet, but that will chance in the next couple of months. It doesn't feel at all as if I am here alone anymore. We hikers are kind of a special group and it doesn't matter where you from, your age, your gender or race, we are a big family. Very hard to describe that feeling , but its great!

At the hotel some of my ordered gear has arrived and I am excited to check it out, while I have to wait for 2 more hrs to enter my room. An other hiker Girl is on the phone, whining about her hiker legs which haven't kicked in yet and that therefore she has to force herself to bigger mileage days. Really?! Not sure that's the right way and where is the fun part of hiking if you stress yourself out that much...

A big storm is on its way and for the next couple of hours the power is off. You can barley cross the street, its so stormy and all dirt and sand is being blown in your eyes. I manage to go to the diner across the street for food. I am so hungry I order far too much, but they pack it up for me🤣 wanting to pay, my Credit Card is being denied. That's so embarrassing. Could it be because of the power lack? I have not enough cash with me either... oh man, I already see myself washing the dishes🤣 They let me go without payment and I promise to come back tomorrow and settle the bill. Never happened to me befoe🙈

Its after 6pm and I just quickly lay on my bed, and wake up at 3 am! Blackleg says hello!

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