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Day 128: Charlton Lake - Dumbbell Lake

Date: 13.08.2018 Miles hiked today: 22.1 Miles / 35.56km Total Mileage: 1'947.2 After getting to bed very late last night because of the meteor shower watching I kinda slept in this morning - till 6:30 am. Everyone seems to be lazy and not getting up. I pack up and make a hot chocolate for breakfast and enjoyed the wonderful spot at the lake we have. Only shortly before 8am we manage to be back on trail. But that's ok, we only plan to hike 25 miles today. The first 5 miles or so I hike with Parmesan. I have listened to a couple of podcasts about the 2nd World war but I couldn't remember all the details. Parmesan knows them better and he would explain me the history again. Later that morning we caught up with Apachi, Helther and Duchess and we all hiked together when we were lucky enough to spot an about 1 year old black bear running into the woods! We told a southbounder about our sight but she was not really happy to hear there is a bear around! A little later we stopped for lunch and had a nap. There are a couple of lakes coming up and for sure I wanna dip into one. There seems to be a good one in 5 miles and we agree to meet there again. Just shortly before I reach the lake I run into a big group of hikers. It's Sausage, Blue Man, Apachi, Helter and Sparkles. Duchess and Parmesan are a little behind still. The water is crystal clear but it looks like a little struggle to get in. We will manage, but the ground of the lake was very muddy. But how refreshing and what a feeling! In the middle of nowhere there is this beautiful lake and a bunch of dirty and stinky hikers enjoying a swim. That's about how I thought the PCT will be like. Late start, seeing a bear, long lunch break and nap, afternoon swim and then camp at a beautiful spot not too late! All together (Also Darko and Nathalie joined in the meantime), we hiked out, 10 of us all together! That's the biggest group of people I hiked with yet! But one by one drops out to water the plants:)  the Plan was to hike 25 miles today and camo next to a river but 3 miles before we reach that camp spot we pass a really beautiful camp spot on a little rock with a lake a couple of feets down. That's too beautiful to pass and we decide to stay here for the night. I'm totally happy with that decision. We are in camp early and can have a relaxed and nice evening. I want to stay up again to see some shooting starts, tonight is the last opportunity to see the meteor shower again. Also Apachi stays up. You have to be patient till after 10pm, when it's really dark and the stars are out. But I'm tired too from staying up late from the last two nights. After seeing a couple of shooting starts I decide to head back to my tent, shortly before 11pm. 

Dinner time!

Mmhh yummie Knorr Rice dish for me:)

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