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Day 9: Warner Springs - Little River Tent Site

Date: 16.04.2018

Miles hiked today: 5.5 milea

Total Mileage: 115.00

Today we slept in till 8am. Great feeling! We want to spend the morning and the early afternoon here to sort out things, get out supply boxes we have send us from San Diego, wash our clothes,  shower,  eat etc. It's a really cool spirit here and I could have spend more time. 

And hey, I finally found my sunglasses again! They were in the side pocket of my rain jacket which I wear for washing my clothes if it is too cold to obly wear my beach dress. Not much other clothes left to wear while washing! While everyone laughted at me bringing a beach dress because I will not need it and it only adds additional weight to your base weight I do enjoy having it with me so far.

Our plan to leave in the early afternoon was too optimistic. We finally left at 4.20 pm - so a little late, again. But it was only 6 miles to where we wanted to camp and we speeded to get there. We made it in less than 2 hours! Walking fast is great and fun because the miles just fly but my feed and body does hurt much more than if I take my time. However, if we leave late and only have to hike a couple of miles it's great. 

We camped at a beautiful spot next to a little river.  It's great not to dry camp (camp without a water source close by) because you do not need to carry a lot of water, can cook water you want, do not need to worry about having enough water left to the next water source the next day and you can clean the  dirty cups after eating. Also, several other hikers who started the pct on the same day camped there too as it was a big place where several tents could be pitched. It's a nice change and a lot of fun to camp with some people and to chat and eat together. 

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