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Day 6: Desert Tent Site - Julian

Date: 13.04.2018

Miles hiked: 5.6 miles

Total Mileage: 77.00

For this night the weather forecast forecasted a temperature of freezing -3 Degrees C! Therefore, Joanne and me decided to sleep in the same tent to keep us warm. I put on all my clothes making sure I am not cold. I started to sweat but didn't want to take off any clothes so I don't start to freeze in the middle of the night. However, it turned out that the weather forecast was not correct. The night temperatures were not freezing and I put on far too much cloths for that night. But hey, better stay warm and save than cold and unconfi! We got up without making breakfast and started our 5.6 miles hike to Scissors Crossing at 7.10am. Joanne taking the lead making sure we are as fast as we can! Shortly after 9am we reached the crossing, where the Sheriff was awaiting hikers and offered us a lift in his police car to Julian! How crazy is that?! :) So the Sheriff drove us to Julian telling us some stories about the past of this region such as the gold miners, the burned areas etc. It was a real fun drive and who knows - may he is offering us a lift back to the trial tomorrow morning??

For today we just want to spend the day in Julian, sort some stuff, relax, eat and drink! Carmen's place which is still open to PCT Thru hikers till end of April offers a washing machine, one free beer, free sodas and amazing food. Mom's place offers a free piece of pie with ice cream and coffee to  PCT Trhu-hikers. The cider place offers a free cider (but the sore is full of amazing food and we spend 40 dollars in there and have about 3 kg additionally in our packs!) I looooove this place! However, to find a nice place to sleep is rather expensive here! But people here are so nice and friendly dedicating their time and money to us thru hikers - it is simple awesome and much appreciated by everyone of us! Thank you so much.

I dont know whats going on with me but lately I tend to loose or misplace things and I have look around for it while Joanne needs a lot of patience with me! So we went to the library where I wanted to write some blogs, upload pictures and videos but when we arrived there I missed my phone! I have left it at carmens place! So I am not able to share my blogs today as the internet here is so slow and would not let me uploading anything. Then I misplaced my sunglasses and I hope I have left them at carmens place and can pick them up tomorrow. 

We have booked a room a little outside from julian. "Ghost " a trailangel drove us here and is also picking us up tomorrow morning. I have never Sseen a bed like this! Its huge ans I have to jump on  it. I could do with a ladder too! We showered and got some very delicious homemade pizza from the wood oven companied with live music. Now its time for bed. We have long passed hikers midnight already (which is at 9 pm in Trail!). 

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